We provide coaching services to executives and managers who need an objective external resource to support their development. We are flexible in our approach and tailor the coaching process to meet the client need. In general, we follow a four-phased approach to ensure the most value is gained from the coaching experience. Click here for more information about our approach.

- Personal, focused support and attention
- Alignment of personal and business needs
- Achievement of business objectives
- Achievement of personal goals
- Measurement of progress during coaching journey
- External perspective
- Accountability and focused partnership
- Safe, confidential environment
- Coaching Progress Assessments (baseline, midpoint progress, end of coaching engagement)
- Focused short-term coaching engagements (typically one to two months duration) for working on a specific performance or development need. Coaching support for multi-rater (360) assessment analysis, prioritization and action planning Longer-term coaching engagements for larger leadership transitions (typically 6 months or more duration).

Our approaching usually involves a combination of in-person meetings, phone coaching, assessments and interaction with sponsors and other resources as needed.