What Does It Mean to “Own Your Career”?

When I started my career about 25 years ago at one of the largest energy companies in the world, my manager sat down with me and essentially mapped out what my career was going to look like over the next 30-plus years. He shared with me the likely career path,...

Identifying and Marketing Your Expertise

To really stand out from the crowd and propel your career, you need to be known as an expert in something that sets you apart from everyone else. A typical dictionary definition of “expert” uses phrases such as “an area of specialized skill or knowledge” or being...

Building Our Careers from the Outside In

At one point in my career I had a boss who came to me and asked me to participate on a team whose mission was to understand the driving forces for changes to our industry and the impact of those changes on our business strategy. I thought shouldn’t this be a role for...